Find a financial partner to bring your business to life.

Business ownership gives Black entrepreneurs the power to build wealth for both themselves and their community.
By serving the needs of Black consumers, hiring Black employees, and keeping dollars circulating within their local neighborhoods, Black-owned businesses create a direct impact on their communities and the families who live in it.
While creating a valuable resource, Black entrepreneurs face a disproportionate amount of challenges when starting a business—a major one being access to capital. In fact, according to McKinsey & Company, “Black entrepreneurs are three times as likely as whites to say that a lack of access to capital negatively affects their businesses’ profitability.”
In order to secure funding, Black-owned financial institutions have historically been a valuable resource to Black entrepreneurs, as they’ve proven to be overwhelmingly more likely to provide loans to Black borrowers than major banks. Also, when choosing a Black-owned institution to bank with, feel confident that your money is insured—all Black banks are protected by the same FDIC that all other banks are covered by.
Black entrepreneurs are three times as likely as whites to say that a lack of access to capital negatively affects their businesses’ profitability.”
McKinsey & Company
Use a Black bank for your business
Black banks with low fee business credit cards:
M&F Platinum & World Master cards ($0-249 fees)
Liberty Bank Business Credit Card
Citizens Trust Visa Business Card
Black banks offering high interest earning Business Money Market (savings) accounts:
Broadway Federal
Carver Federal
Alamerica Bank
Black banks with high % of small business loans to minority communities:
Metro Bank 77%
Optus Bank 65%
United Bank 60%
Helpful tips
✔ Don’t mix personal and business expenses
✔ Look for credit cards with cash-back rewards, and upgrade to a business line of credit for lower interest
✔ Before applying for a business loan, be sure to certify your status as a woman and/or minority-owned business